Sakıp Sabancı

Lecture Series


Sakıp Sabancı Lecture Series

Sakıp Sabancı Lecture Series

Given Turkey’s geopolitical, historical and cultural significance, Turkey’s role in contemporary global politics and the importance of U.S.-Turkish bilateral relations, Sabancı University & Istanbul Policy Center and the Brookings Center on the United States and Europe annually host the Sakıp Sabancı lecture to explore Turkey’s emerging role in the world. Named in honor of one of Turkey’s foremost business leaders and Honorary Chairman of the Sabancı University Board of Trustees, the lecture carries on Mr. Sakıp Sabancı’s vision for democratic and economic reforms and its efforts to join the European Union. The series features prominent American and European statesmen who engage with policymakers, academics, members of the media, and business leaders, as well as a large audience of students and professors at Sabanci University in Istanbul who participate via video conference.


Lecture Series

Turkey and the Transformation of the Global Political and Economic Landscape, Madeleine...
Emerging Nations and Evolving Global Economy, Kaushik Basu
The West and Turkey: Their Role in Shaping Wider Global Architecture, Zbigniew Brzezinski
Turkey, Europe and the World, Javier Solana
The United States and Turkey: A View from the Obama Administration, Philip Gordon
Transatlantic Partners: The Challenges of Multilateralism for Europe, Turkey and the...
The Future of the U.S.-Turkish Relationship, R. Nicholas Burns
Turkey and America: Indispensable Allies at a Crossroads, Richard Holbrooke
Turkey: Embracing East and West, Paul Wolfowitz
America, Turkey and the World, Madeleine Albright


Sabancı University

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